LGBTQ Organization Culture in PNW
COMM 495
In this Seattle study away course, we examined the ways in which major tech companies support & celebrate LGBTQ+ culture within a larger organizational culture. Throughout thus course, we took a look at the critical cultural studies approach to exploring the organizational policies and gendered communication in these spaces. Our experiences in Seattle included tours and interviews with organizational & cultural leaders, as well as the integration of visits to LGBTQ+ historical sites.
The course learning objectives include:
Examine organizational content (ads, promotions, and other artifacts) as they relate to the intersection of gendered communication and organizational communication.
Analyze cultural branding and policy language to offer informed advice for improving organizational or community culture.
Present a greater awareness of LGBTQ+ culture and how communication scholars study related issues and topics.
Demonstrate course knowledge in a creative final project and present components of the research in an approved COMM ePortfolio.