Public Relations
MKTG 406
MKTG 406 Public Relations helped me become familiar with the basic concepts and principles of public relations. By the end of this course, I was able to understand the public relations process, the many components of public relations, those who have played an integral role in shaping the public relations field, ethics, and how it relates to the field of public relations, the role of the public relations practitioner in departments and firms, the importance of public opinion, persuasion, and a crisis management plan. Throughout this course, I looked at the challenges presented by today’s multicultural and diverse audience, and tactics to reach those audiences in a variety of settings.
The course learning objectives include:
1. Become familiar with the role of public relations today; definition, evolution, ethics, and professionalism.
2. Become familiar with the process of public relations; research, planning, communication and evaluation.
3. Become familiar with public relations strategies; public opinion, persuasion, conflict management, and new technologies.
4. Become familiar with public relations tactics; news releases, newsletters, presentations, and media interviews.
5. Become familiar with the application of public relations in organizations; corporations, government, education, and non-profits
During this project, my group collaborated closely with a small non-profit organization, Visison Driven 757, which focused on empowering youth in my surrounding community. We were tasked to discover how we can help Vision Driven 757 achieve its overall mission and inspire positive change in youth in Hampton Roads. We analyzed the organization and developed a complete public relations plan, that responded to Vision Driven's needs and current dilemma, brand awareness and visibility, and financial support. We pitched the PR plan to the Executive Director of the organization and provided her with a formal written PR plan.
Public Relations Project:
Vision Driven 757
After completing this project I am able to develop the major components of a public relations plan: the problem statement, internal and external analysis, media materials and provide strategic solutions. I can also identify, explain and respond to a “current” PR issue facing an organization. Lastly, this project gave me the ability to apply the major course material as a practitioner in the field and have an opportunity to be creative.